Saturday was one of the saddest days of my "short" life. My grandmother, Norma Donnelly, passed away at the tender age of 107. No, that is not a typo, my gramma was 107. She lived an amazing life! She survived small pox, and she was struck by lightening. That is an interesting story. She was riding her horse to the one room schoolhouse that she taught at, and the horse got struck by lightening. She also broke her hip when she was 98. Not like that slowed her down at all.
Shorty was born the same year that the Wright Brothers flew for the first time. She taught elementary school without a degree. That was a time when, if you wanted to be a teacher, then you found a school, and taught. She was even my cousin John's 4th grade teacher. She saw so many changes in the world. Cars, television, computers. And everything in between. She experienced WWI and WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and Persian Gulf I and II. And, she was in great health until about a month ago.
I could tell you all about Shorty, but this blog would be a novel. Let's just leave it at "she was one of the most amazing women I have ever known. She will not ever be replaced."
Saturday I need to travel to Boise for her funeral. My aunt said that me, my sister, and my cousin should speak. What should I say? The only thing that comes to mind is pretty recent. As Shorty's sight was failing she was having a hard time seeing who was in the room. One day I walked into her house and I was wearing a striped shirt. She could see me! So I started buying more striped shirts so she could see me. Eventually she started calling me Mrs. Stripes, and she always knew when I walked into the room. Now I have all of these striped shirts. So is that an appropriate story for a funeral? I think so. Especially a funeral complete with ice cream sandwiches. Shorty had ice cream every night for as long as I can remember. It's a fitting farewell. And a tasty one.
So, pray for my family right now, especially my mom, who was her main caregiver. And the next time you have a bowl of ice cream, remember a very special, very old lady who touched a lot of people. Love you Shorty!
P.S. Almost made it through without crying.
P.P.S. Shorty is actually a term of love. She was 5' 0" standing up straight, and used to always comment about how she was considered tall when she was young.
9 years ago