Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Down to Only a Drizzle

So I survived Sunday's tire changing shenanigans. It only took 3 1/2 hours and Sammee's friend Justin, but I have a spare on. I did loosen all of the lug nuts by myself, but I just couldn't get the car jacked up. And, I almost fixed Justin's laptop, so he owed me one.

On the legal front, I picked up the paper work to file my answer yesterday. Now I just need someone to help me fill it out. There is an assistance program at the court house, and I have received numerous names of lawyers to consult. I will have help by the beginning of next week, and will file on time. By next Friday the 17th.

The company I work for was awarded the bid that we were waiting on, so I will be working at least until the end of September YAY!!!!!!! What a weight lifted. Just don't ask my chiropractor if I'm more relaxed.

And, I have overcome the income thing I have relaxed and quit stressing over money.

One last thing. I have been treasurer at my church for 4 years, and as of July 1, I will no longer have that position. It has become more of a burden than a joy in the recent past, so it is time to move to a new ministry. I have been approached to lead a video ministry. Skits, video announcements, promos, etc. Finally, a chance to use my Drama stuff again! WOOT! Love it! So excited!

Time to sign off. Gotta budget so I can start saving so I will feel less tense about my money.

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