Sunday, July 31, 2011

I Hate Missing Work

So tomorrow is my hearing to see if the Child Support will be canceled. I am nervous. Not because of the outcome. Either way I am okay with it. I just don't want to see my ex after 15+ years. I am fretting because I am convinced that he will fly in for the hearing. I am hoping that he will continue with his tradition and not show, but I won't know until I get to court. I also hate the fact that I have to miss work to take care of this nonsense. I know, I am a workaholic. Not really, I am just a loyal employee who tries my best to be at work at all times. If I was a workaholic, I would be at work all the time. I do enjoy my time off.

But I digress. Feel free to pray for me tomorrow at 10:00 am MDT that I will stay calm whatever the circumstance, and accept the judge's decision, whichever way it goes. I will be fine. Sometime after 10:00 tomorrow morning.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Disappointed in Pocatello

Today in my local paper, the Idaho State Journal, a letter to the editor was published. The author ranted about the downfall of our fair city due to the population of gay people and their refusal to hide. I am paraphrasing here. She actually encouraged the citizens to boycott any business who allowed gay people in, and proposed banning all gay people from Poky. Normally, I do not voice my political views (unless it involves education, see previous rants), but this particular letter really frosted my cookies! And, one of my friends was approached at a local grocery store to sign a petition to "ban" any activity that promotes an alternative lifestyle.

The main reason I am disappointed is that one of my co-workers, a construction worker, commented to me last week, " Pocatello has such a large gay community, and it is so well tolerated here. Especially with how conservative this town is." I agreed with him. Now I look like an idiot to him after this hateful letter.

I studied Theatre in college. I have worked in Theatre. There are lots of gay people in Theatre. I have been around them most of my adult life. I am proud to say that some of my best friends are gay! My daughters have gay friends, and they are some of the best kids I know. And, they all call me "Mom."

Before you throw the Bible at me, I understand the morality of it. But, Jesus said, "Hate the sin, love the sinner." We are to care for everyone, regardless of lifestyle or sins. We are not to judge. We are not to hate. We are not to "run people out of town" to protect our children.

I am not trying to offend ANYONE with this, I just have to speak out to the insanity that the far right is trying to force everyone else to believe. I love my friends, regardless of their religion, race, or sexual orientation! I love my kids' friends, regardless of their religion, race, or sexual orientation.

The Great Commandment: "Love each other, the way your Father, in Heaven, Loves you."

Saturday, July 23, 2011

This One Is a Bit Of A Rant

I am going to preface this by saying that I don't intend to intentionally offend any of my friends, but I have to get this off my chest.

So today was a celebration of sorts in my town. Tomorrow is Pioneer Day. For those who don't know, Pioneer Day celebrates the day that the Mormons landed in the Salt Lake valley in Utah. Monday is a State holiday in Utah, and it's a pretty big deal here in Pocatello. Not surprising because our population is about 50% LDS. There is a parade and activities all over town today.

My problem is with the parade that took place 3 weeks ago. The Pioneer Day parade lasted about an hour (I didn't go, just timed it as it went past my house). Our Independence Day parade lasted all of 14 minutes (taped it, so had it timed). No one participated in the 4th parade, and everyone participated in the Pioneer Day parade. At least we have an Independence Day parade. There were a lot of years that there was nothing on July 4th because everyone was gearing up for Pioneer Day.

So why is it that we have such a small attendance for the birthday of our country's freedom, but such large attendance for a small group of people who moved from New York to Utah in the 1800's? Before anyone gets real ticked off, I am all for freedom of religion. But, is this one religious holiday, for only one religion, really more important than the holiday that gave these people their freedom to worship the way they want?

I am not the only person in Pocatello that feels this way. The local paper's website blew up with comments about how lame the July 4th parade was. Lots of comments were made that citizens need to step up and organize next years parade. I'm in if it actually happens. This town has too many people who are defending this country, or have come home with debilitating injuries and trauma from serving our country to treat Independence Day like just a day for fireworks.

I am offering a challenge to the citizens of Pocatello, ID. If you were disgusted with the content of this year's 4th of July parade, email me at (I know, that's kind of dangerous, but I'm serious). I have friends who want to make next year's parade last half the day if we can. We have to remember why we have the freedoms that we do, and not take them for granted. Like the freedom of speech, which I am using right now.

Again, this is not an LDS bashing post. Just a post stating my disappointment in Pocatello's pride in our country.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Update Time!

So here we go.

Lawsuit: I go to Court in a little more than a week. Surprisingly, the only worry I have right now is whether the ex will actually fly down for the hearing. I am going on the basis that he will, so I won't be so shaken up if I walk into the courtroom and there he is. And, if he doesn't show, a pleasant surprise. I am certain that an update will happen on August 1.

Money: I have finally dug myself out of my financial hole. I even have money in savings! And I am still working 50+ hours a week.

Tori: Tori is getting excited about college. She is meeting other students online, looking for a place to live, and talking to her advisor about classes and such. She wants to go up next month to apply for work study jobs, which she has to do in person, and before school starts.

Sammee: Sammee loves her job at Starbucks. And mom likes the free coffee. She leaves on Sunday for Billings. She is going to teach at the Venture Theatre's Drama School for 2 weeks. Last year Theatre School was her favorite part of the summer. Her favorite age group are the "itty bitties." Kindergarten to 3rd grade. Hope she gets to teach them again.

Kat: Kat graduated from Driver's Ed with a 97% average. Now we have 6 months of her on a learner's permit. I think I am getting a grey hair every time she drives. But she is not bad, I'm just nervous. If she dents my Jeep, I'll kill her.

So summer is going well so far. My sister, Jennifer was in town last week from LA. And she brought my almost 2 year old niece, Ava. First off, Ava loves her cousins. We heard all week, "Hi Sammee, Hi Towi, Hi Kat!" She really liked to say hi at dinner time when she didn't want to eat. Oh, she's a character. One night at dinner Dad made peas. Jenn put some in Ava's bowl and she exclaimed, "Oh boy! Green balls!" So, from this point forward, peas will be known as Green Balls. And green beans are now Green bars. I forgot how fun, and tiring, kids are at that age. There is nothing like a hug and sloppy kiss from a 2 year old. And, she can almost say my name. It comes out more like Anna, but it's progress. And Mom is Amma (that's close to gramma) and Dad is Papa. That's what all 3 girls called him at that age.

So that's my story for now. I will post an update in 10 days. In the mean time, pray that God's will be done at this hearing. If I should get child support for the next 3 years, so be it. If my ex gets his way, so be it. But Like I said, God knows what should happen on August 1. Part of the prayer should be for me to be calm and think before I speak.
