Thursday, July 28, 2011

Disappointed in Pocatello

Today in my local paper, the Idaho State Journal, a letter to the editor was published. The author ranted about the downfall of our fair city due to the population of gay people and their refusal to hide. I am paraphrasing here. She actually encouraged the citizens to boycott any business who allowed gay people in, and proposed banning all gay people from Poky. Normally, I do not voice my political views (unless it involves education, see previous rants), but this particular letter really frosted my cookies! And, one of my friends was approached at a local grocery store to sign a petition to "ban" any activity that promotes an alternative lifestyle.

The main reason I am disappointed is that one of my co-workers, a construction worker, commented to me last week, " Pocatello has such a large gay community, and it is so well tolerated here. Especially with how conservative this town is." I agreed with him. Now I look like an idiot to him after this hateful letter.

I studied Theatre in college. I have worked in Theatre. There are lots of gay people in Theatre. I have been around them most of my adult life. I am proud to say that some of my best friends are gay! My daughters have gay friends, and they are some of the best kids I know. And, they all call me "Mom."

Before you throw the Bible at me, I understand the morality of it. But, Jesus said, "Hate the sin, love the sinner." We are to care for everyone, regardless of lifestyle or sins. We are not to judge. We are not to hate. We are not to "run people out of town" to protect our children.

I am not trying to offend ANYONE with this, I just have to speak out to the insanity that the far right is trying to force everyone else to believe. I love my friends, regardless of their religion, race, or sexual orientation! I love my kids' friends, regardless of their religion, race, or sexual orientation.

The Great Commandment: "Love each other, the way your Father, in Heaven, Loves you."


  1. So HAPPY that you blogged on this. I am very upset that anyone could be so rude to any group of people in our town. Everyone that lives here deserves the same rights as any other person. They are part of this community whether they are students or permanent residents. The Gay and Lesbian community accepts everyone for who they are, they would never write such terrible things about anyone. Really shows why as a straight person I appreciate my gay friends. They don't look down at me for not being a HOT SEXY Blonde..they accept me for me and who I am inside. Wish more people could be that way. I have raised my son all his life to accept people for who they are not what they are and he is very accepting of everyone. Maybe more people need to approach the idea of acceptance????

  2. By the way, I was told by a good friend that I misquoted in my post. It was not Jesus who said "love the sinner, hate the sin," it was Gandhi. I stand corrected. Thank you, Eric for the correction. I try to stay true and accurate in my posts.
