Saturday, October 1, 2011


So we go to trial on Wednesday, October 5. Not sure what to expect. I have only been to court once before, and that was my divorce hearing 15 years ago. No lawyers involved. And, my ex didn't even show up. So here's what I know.

I found lots of evidence to help my case. But, my ex's attorney is trying to sway it his way. Gotta work on that. I will have one more piece of evidence and hopefully it will help. Fingers crossed and prayers appreciated.

I guess Mom will be back in time for the trial. That will help my nerves a lot. Plus, I think my friend Karl will be there also. Simply moral support from both of them. Very much needed. I will post the outcome on Wednesday evening. I just hope the trial isn't too long. I hate being away from work.

Now on to Tori. She had a great first week of school. She seems to love her classes, and is meeting people. On Monday, she has 2 job interviews. Both on campus. One work study job and one job-job. Hopefully she can work both of them if offered the jobs. And, she found a different apartment closer to school. Hope she gets it and can get moved.

Okay, that's my story so far. The end of the law suit story on Wednesday.

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